Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Inside & Out

We are having the seventh snow storm of the season. Chilly temperatures &, yes, more snow, ice & wind.

But inside it is cozy & warm. My plants are thriving, some are actually blooming, as they soak up the sun reflected off the snow.

Even the Christmas cactus is in its second bloom. These simple things cheer me & keep me warm on the coldest of days.

I am also warmed by all the friends I have made here on this blog. I so appreciate everyone that has taken the time to stop by. Thank you for all of your thoughtful comments, especially those on my last post. I enjoyed the dialogue regarding the joys & difficulties of painting at home. Your encouragement is just what I was needing. So thanks everyone! 
Hope you are staying warm too.


  1. Oh boy. seven! Yes, I talked to my sister at about 2 your time this afternoon and she said it had just started. Stay cozy inside. The plants look very happy!

  2. snow looks pretty, but no thanks! been warm here and able to swim outside. :)

  3. It has been snowing all day here. I am not too crazy about the snow but as long as I keep working on my quilts, I am okay..
    Your plants look fabulous! I have a lipstick plant in bloom right now.. Isn't having indoor garden fun?

  4. SO in love with your healthy looking plants, sally!!!
